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About TBTLA 

The Tampa Bay Trial Lawyers Association (TBTLA) is a dynamic organization designed to educate, support and advocate for its members and the people they represent. Its mission is to protect the rights of the individual, advance trial advocacy skills and promote high ethical standards and professionalism in the ongoing effort to preserve and improve the American system of jurisprudence.

 TBTLA  Attorney Membership Eligibility

To qualify for membership, the attorney must:

  • Be duly licensed to practice law;
  • Be a regular member in good standing with the Florida Bar;
  • Be a member in good standing with Florida Justice Association (FJA), formerly the (AFTL) Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers;
  • Be of good moral character;
  • Not represent insurance carriers, their insured or employers in personal injury litigation and/ or arbitration proceedings or workers compensation matters and not belong to law firms that engage in such work; and
  • Pay the established dues as members of this organization, as established by the Board of Directors.
Membership Benefits:
  • Access to a network of attorneys who work for PLAINTIFFS ONLY
  • Ability to share resources openly and confidentially
  • Opportunity to participate in an online e-mail discussion group for legal advice, direction and sharing of resources
  • Access to "password protected" library, including but not limited to, experts' deposition transcripts, fee orders, motions, complaints, etc.
  • Opportunity to socialize and build relationships with the local legal community
 Membership Fees

5+ years in practice - $300.00 per year

Less than 5 years in practice - $250 per year

Regular Member

Join as Regular Member

Retired Member

To join  TBTLA  as a Retired Member, please e-mail click here

Join as Retired Member

Student Member

Student Membership is free!


A law student engaged in a course of study at a law school shall be eligible for student membership who is of good moral character and is a member of FJA.

Student members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.

Join as Student Member


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